St Johns The Baptist

  • St. John the Baptist is the patron saint of St. John’s School,Ghazipur. John the Baptist was born in 7 B.C. His father was a priest and his mother was related to Mary, the mother of Jesus. Thus, John and Jesus may have been cousins.John the Baptist was dedicated to God from his birth. When he grew up he knew that God has called him for a special task. He went out to live a hard and strict life in the desert.About 28 A.D. he began his ministry at a fort around the river Jordan which travellers had to cross. There he preached, calling men to repentance. He proclaimed that he was a messenger, a herald preparing the way for Jesus, the Redeemer.When Jesus was baptised in the river Jordan, John was glad, for he saw that his preaching would be fulfilled.He openly condemned Herod, the king at that time, for divorcing his wife and marrying his brother’s wife named Herodias. Herod already afraid of the popular prophet, had thrown John into prison and there to please Herodias, had him beheaded. His feast is on June 24.The life and death of St. John symbolises not just his dedication to Jesus or his opposition to the way of living of King Herod. Rather it tells us to follow the right path, raise our voice against evil and devote our lives to the Supreme Power. It tells us to do good for all without thinking of self.So in order to inculcate these values in our children, it is celebrated in the school on the first Saturday of July.